‫VinFast تفتتح أول معرض لها في الشرق الأوسط

مسقط، عُمان – Media OutReach Newswire– 2  أغسطس 2024- أعلنت شركة VinFast Auto، الشركة العالمية المصنعة للمركبات الكهربائية وبهوان للسيارات والتجارة ش.م.م بفخر عن الافتتاح الكبير لأول معرض لها في الشرق الأوسط بسلطنة عُمان، ما يمثل علامة فارقة مهمة في توسعها في سوق الشرق الأوسط.

السيد تا شوان هين، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة VinFast الشرق الأوسط (الرابع من اليسار)، والشيخ عبدالله بهوان، المدير التنفيذي لشركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة (الخامس من اليسار)، إلى جانب ممثلين من كلا الطرفين، في حفل الافتتاح الكبير.

يقع معرض VinFast في موقع استراتيجي في قلب مسقط، ويمتد على مساحة 303 أمتار مربعة ويتميز بتصميم عصري وفخم، ويمكن لزوار المعرض التعمق في تجربة تفاعلية مع مركبات VinFast الكهربائية الذكية، بما في ذلك طرز VF 6 وVF 7 وVF 8 وVF 9. تعد مركبات VinFast الكهربائية بتطوير تجربة القيادة للعملاء في عُمان والشرق الأوسط وذلك بفضل تصميمها المبتكر وتقنيتها المتطورة وأدائها المذهل.

بالإضافة إلى تجربة طرز السيارات المعروضة، سيحصل العملاء الذين يزورون معرض VinFast في عُمان على استشارات يقدمها موظفو شركة بهوان الخبراء بكل سرور. بافتتاح أول معرض لها في عُمان، تفي VinFast جديًا بالتزامها بتقديم حلول التنقل المراعية للبيئة والذكية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

صرح السيد تا شوان هين، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركةVinFast الشرق الأوسط، قائلاً: “يعد الافتتاح الكبير لأول معرض لنا في عُمان إنجازًا مهمًا لشركة VinFast في الشرق الأوسط. من خلال الشراكة مع شركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة، وهي وكيل رائد ومرموق في عُمان، نثق أن VinFast ستحظى سريعًا بإعجاب المستهلكين في هذا السوق من خلال مركباتها الكهربائية الجذابة والذكية والآمنة”.

صرح الشيخ عبد الله بهوان، المدير التنفيذي لشركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة: “نحن سعداء بافتتاح أول معرض لشركة VinFast في الشرق الأوسط. يتوافق هذا التعاون تمامًا مع رؤيتنا لتقديم أحدث التقنيات المستدامة للسيارات في عُمان. نحن ملتزمون بإحداث تأثير كبير على سوق السيارات في عُمان من خلال تيسير استخدام المركبات الكهربائية، وسنساهم بالتالي في مستقبل أكثر استدامةً ومراعاةً للبيئة لأمتنا”.

السيد تا شوان هين، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة VinFast الشرق الأوسط (على اليسار) والشيخ عبدالله بهوان، المدير التنفيذي لشركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة (على اليمين) يستمتعان بتجربة طراز VinFast VF 8 المعروض في حفل الافتتاح الكبير.

من المتوقع أن يشهد سوق المركبات الكهربائية في عُمان نموًا كبيرًا في السنوات المقبلة، وقد نفذت الحكومة العمانية عدة مبادرات لتشجيع استخدام المركبات الكهربائية من أجل التصدي لتغير المناخ، وخفض الانبعاثات الكربونية، والحد من استهلاك الوقود الأحفوري.

في عام 2024، تبذل شركة VinFast جهودًا قوية في الأسواق الدولية، بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة وكندا وأوروبا، فضلاً عن الدول الآسيوية مثل الهند وإندونيسيا وتايلاند. كما أن الشركة تستكشف منطقتي الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا.

نبذة عن VinFast

VinFast: (NASDAQ:VFS) شركة تابعة لمجموعة Vingroup JSC، أحد أكبر التكتلات في فيتنام، وهي متخصصة في تصنيع المركبات الكهربائية، وتهدف إلى جعل المركبات الكهربائية في متناول الجميع. تتضمن منتجات VinFast اليوم مجموعة متنوعة من سيارات الدفع الرباعي الكهربائية والدراجات البخارية الكهربائية والحافلات الكهربائية. تستعد VinFast حاليًا لمرحلة تطورها التالية من خلال التوسع السريع في شبكة التوزيع والوكالات على مستوى العالم وزيادة قدراتها التصنيعية مع التركيز على الأسواق الرئيسية في جميع أنحاء أمريكا الشمالية وأوروبا وآسيا. لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة: https://vinfast.com/.

نبذة عن شركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة ش.م.م

شركة بهوان للسيارات والتجارة ش.م.م تابعة لمجموعة بهوان العالمية ش.م.م، وهي كيان مرموق يضم أكثر من 45 شركة تابعة وأكثر من 2000 موظف، وتدير أعمالها في جميع أنحاء سلطنة عمان ومنطقة الخليج وشمال إفريقيا وجنوب آسيا. تمثل هذه المجموعة من الشركات محفظة رائعة تضم أكثر من 40 علامة تجارية عالمية، وتشمل أعمالها المتنوعة مجالات متعددة بما في ذلك السيارات والرعاية الصحية والزراعة والطاقة المتجددة وحلول المطارات والحلول اللوجستية ومعدات نقل الأتربة ومعدات البناء والمعدات الصناعية وخدمات تحصيل الديون وحلول الأمان الراقية وأجهزة المسح والمصاعد وحلول مواقف السيارات، وهذه بعض من مجالات أعمالها الرئيسية ضمن مجالات أخرى.

Belgium Ignites Global Debate by Changing Gambling Age, Highlighting Huge Regulatory Gaps

WATERFORD, Ireland, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Belgium has ignited a global debate by raising its legal gambling age from 18 to 21, citing concerns over gambling addiction. The move sets Belgium apart from other EU countries like Sweden, Germany, Finland, and Austria, where the legal gambling age is 18.

Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information for casino resource portal, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), said there were striking disparities in legal age limits across activities like drivers licenses, smoking, alcohol consumption, gambling, and watching adult content.

“If Belgian lawmakers believe that 21 is the right age for gambling, then shouldn’t this age limit be instituted for all high-risk activities like drinking, smoking, driving, and watching porn? It seems arbitrary to single out gambling while leaving other equally, if not more risky behaviors less regulated. Perhaps, they should apply the same logic to all these activities.”

Raaff explored this further:

Legal Age Restrictions Comparison: Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, and Japan
Comparison of legal ages for various activities across countries.

New law raises questions about the consistency of age limits for adult activities like drinking, driving, and gambling.

“What’s clear is that 18-year-olds in most countries are allowed access pornography. So, this is the perceived maturity level despite the dangers online,” said Raaff.

“Alcohol poses huge health risks, and driving a vehicle requires even more responsibility with potential life-threatening consequences, still, we allow 18-year-olds, and in some nations, even younger people to drive. Addiction is also not limited to gambling. It can also happen with alcohol, smoking, and porn.”

Belgium’s decision raises key questions about the perceived maturity of young adults. Raaff said a more holistic approach is needed – one that addresses all risky behaviors the same.

“We need a broader global debate about legal age. If we trust 18-year-olds driving, smoking, consuming alcohol, and accessing porn, why should gambling be treated differently? Protecting young adults means taking the same step. We also need to recognize that maturity levels do not change much between 18 and 21. By aligning these regulatory gaps, we will create a more realistic framework.”

Miranda Raaff – Head of iGaming Information
Email: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

Cell: +27 722 866 086

About MDC

MDC, a division of the OneTwenty Group, is an iGaming resource portal that reviews and recommends the most trusted and reliable online casinos globally. MDC conducts thorough vetting of casinos, focusing on safety, security, gaming licenses, responsible gambling tools, and fair gaming practices, to help players find regulated platforms.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ad79c896-79aa-4f46-9ce7-0126e71202d2

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000984668

Belgium Ignites Global Debate by Changing Gambling Age, Highlighting Huge Regulatory Gaps

Legal Age Restrictions Comparison: Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, and Japan

New law raises questions about the consistency of age limits for adult activities like drinking, driving, and gambling.

WATERFORD, Ireland, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Belgium has ignited a global debate by raising its legal gambling age from 18 to 21, citing concerns over gambling addiction. The move sets Belgium apart from other EU countries like Sweden, Germany, Finland, and Austria, where the legal gambling age is 18.

Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information for casino resource portal, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), said there were striking disparities in legal age limits across activities like drivers licenses, smoking, alcohol consumption, gambling, and watching adult content.

“If Belgian lawmakers believe that 21 is the right age for gambling, then shouldn’t this age limit be instituted for all high-risk activities like drinking, smoking, driving, and watching porn? It seems arbitrary to single out gambling while leaving other equally, if not more risky behaviors less regulated. Perhaps, they should apply the same logic to all these activities.”

Raaff explored this further:

Comparison of legal ages for various activities across countries.

“What’s clear is that 18-year-olds in most countries are allowed access pornography. So, this is the perceived maturity level despite the dangers online,” said Raaff.

“Alcohol poses huge health risks, and driving a vehicle requires even more responsibility with potential life-threatening consequences, still, we allow 18-year-olds, and in some nations, even younger people to drive. Addiction is also not limited to gambling. It can also happen with alcohol, smoking, and porn.”

Belgium’s decision raises key questions about the perceived maturity of young adults. Raaff said a more holistic approach is needed – one that addresses all risky behaviors the same.

“We need a broader global debate about legal age. If we trust 18-year-olds driving, smoking, consuming alcohol, and accessing porn, why should gambling be treated differently? Protecting young adults means taking the same step. We also need to recognize that maturity levels do not change much between 18 and 21. By aligning these regulatory gaps, we will create a more realistic framework.”

Miranda Raaff – Head of iGaming Information
Email: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

Cell: +27 722 866 086

About MDC

MDC, a division of the OneTwenty Group, is an iGaming resource portal that reviews and recommends the most trusted and reliable online casinos globally. MDC conducts thorough vetting of casinos, focusing on safety, security, gaming licenses, responsible gambling tools, and fair gaming practices, to help players find regulated platforms.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ad79c896-79aa-4f46-9ce7-0126e71202d2

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000984668

Belgium Ignites Global Debate by Changing Gambling Age, Highlighting Huge Regulatory Gaps

Legal Age Restrictions Comparison: Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, and Japan

New law raises questions about the consistency of age limits for adult activities like drinking, driving, and gambling.

WATERFORD, Ireland, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Belgium has ignited a global debate by raising its legal gambling age from 18 to 21, citing concerns over gambling addiction. The move sets Belgium apart from other EU countries like Sweden, Germany, Finland, and Austria, where the legal gambling age is 18.

Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information for casino resource portal, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), said there were striking disparities in legal age limits across activities like drivers licenses, smoking, alcohol consumption, gambling, and watching adult content.

“If Belgian lawmakers believe that 21 is the right age for gambling, then shouldn’t this age limit be instituted for all high-risk activities like drinking, smoking, driving, and watching porn? It seems arbitrary to single out gambling while leaving other equally, if not more risky behaviors less regulated. Perhaps, they should apply the same logic to all these activities.”

Raaff explored this further:

Comparison of legal ages for various activities across countries.

“What’s clear is that 18-year-olds in most countries are allowed access pornography. So, this is the perceived maturity level despite the dangers online,” said Raaff.

“Alcohol poses huge health risks, and driving a vehicle requires even more responsibility with potential life-threatening consequences, still, we allow 18-year-olds, and in some nations, even younger people to drive. Addiction is also not limited to gambling. It can also happen with alcohol, smoking, and porn.”

Belgium’s decision raises key questions about the perceived maturity of young adults. Raaff said a more holistic approach is needed – one that addresses all risky behaviors the same.

“We need a broader global debate about legal age. If we trust 18-year-olds driving, smoking, consuming alcohol, and accessing porn, why should gambling be treated differently? Protecting young adults means taking the same step. We also need to recognize that maturity levels do not change much between 18 and 21. By aligning these regulatory gaps, we will create a more realistic framework.”

Miranda Raaff – Head of iGaming Information
Email: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

Cell: +27 722 866 086

About MDC

MDC, a division of the OneTwenty Group, is an iGaming resource portal that reviews and recommends the most trusted and reliable online casinos globally. MDC conducts thorough vetting of casinos, focusing on safety, security, gaming licenses, responsible gambling tools, and fair gaming practices, to help players find regulated platforms.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ad79c896-79aa-4f46-9ce7-0126e71202d2

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000984668

Four martyrs reported from Israeli airstrike on S. Lebanon

An airstrike by the Israeli occupation forces targeted a home in Chama town, south Lebanon, killing four people and injuring five others, the Lebanese National News Agency (NNA) reported on Thursday Southern Lebanon towns comes under frequent air and artillery attacks by the Israeli occupation forces, with Kafr Kila, Al-Khiam, Zibqin, Tayr Harfa, and Majdel Zoun bearing the brunt of the recent attacks.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

Saturday, August 3, 2024

12:00 pm Solidarity meeting with the resistance in Palestine titled “Palestine: The Path is Resistance,” organized by the Beirut Council of the Lebanese Popular Conference at the Tawfiq Tabara Center, Sanayeh, 10th floor.

4:00 pm Hezbollah leadership and the family of martyr Fouad Ali Shukr receive condolences for his martyrdom at the Sayyed al-Shuhada Complex in Rweiss, Southern Suburbs of Beirut, until 7:00 PM.

4:00 pm Unveiling of the founders of the Maronite Orders at St. Moura Church in Ehden, attended by Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi and Papal Nuncio Paolo Borgia.

5:30 pm Solidarity stand for Gaza and support for the prisoners’ cause in Miniyeh, organized by the Lebanese-Palestinian Coordination Committee for Prisoners and the Friends of Prisoner Yahya Skaf Committee, in front of the Skaf Prisoner Monument in Miniyeh.

6:00 pm Lecture by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) titled “Between Freedom and Restriction, Between Genius and Limitation, the Fate of Dua
lity,” presented by engineer Haifa Al Arab, organized by the Friends of White Knowledge Association – Esoteric Science, at the Esoteric Science Center in Beirut, Hazmieh Road, Hazmieh Commercial Center and Bank of Financial Credit Building, Block A, 1st floor (next to Abu Judeh Refrigerator and Spinneys).

6:30 pm Thanksgiving Mass for the beatification of Patriarch Estefan Douaihy at Ehdinayats Amphitheater in Ehden.

8:30 pm “Loyalty Stand” in front of the Martyrs’ Monument in Ain Ebel, commemorating the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Elias Hanna Hasrouni, organized by the Lebanese Forces Party, Ain Ebel Municipality, and the martyr’s family and friends.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

‘Islamic Resistance’ targets the enemy’s Al-Samaqa site and achieves direct it

The ‘Islamic Resistance’ announced on Friday in a statement, ‘In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, our mujahideen targeted, at 01:15 pm on Friday, August 2, 2024, the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba, with missile weapons, and achieved direct hit.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Several Palestinians killed and injured in Israeli airstrikes on Khan Younis, Maghazi

Four Palestinians were killed and several others, including children and women, were injured this morning in an Israeli airstrike on a residential apartment in Khan Younis, located in the southern Gaza Strip.

Local sources reported that the airstrike targeted an apartment belonging to the Barbakh family in central Khan Younis, killing four and injuring others. The injured individuals were transported to Nasser Medical Complex in the city for medical treatment.

In another attack, two Palestinians were killed and others were injured when Israeli aircraft targeted a group of civilians east of the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza.

Additionally, Israeli artillery shelled the Al-Sikka Street in the southeastern part of Gaza City. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza since October 7, 2023, has so far resulted in 39,480 documented Palestinian fatalities, with an additional 91,128 others injured. Thousands of victims are also estimated to be buried under the rubb

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

After the obituary of Sheikh Haniyeh – incitement and demand to withdraw the identity of Sheikh Akram Sabri

Ministers in the occupation government and the so-called Temple groups are inciting against Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, head of the Supreme Islamic Council and Imam and preacher of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, an hour after he mourned the martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh during the Al-Aqsa sermon.

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel demanded that Sheikh Sabri’s identity be revoked, on the pretext of “committing security violations and breach of trust.” In his demand, the minister denounced Sheikh Haniyeh’s eulogy in Al-Aqsa, saying that he was one of those responsible for the events of “October 7.”

The claim stated, ‘Article 11A of the Entry into Israel Law grants the Minister of the Interior the authority to cancel a permanent residence permit for committing an act that constitutes a breach of trust.

He asked the government’s legal advisor to help him complete the procedures to withdraw Sheikh Sabri’s identity.

As for the Minister of National Security in the occupation government, Itamar Ben Gvir, he demanded that the P
ublic Prosecution open an immediate investigation with Sheikh Sabri.

The police said that they had begun examining Sheikh Sabri’s sermon at Al-Aqsa to see if there was any “incitement” in it, and said in their statement, “Based on the information, the necessary steps will be taken.”

Meanwhile, the so-called Temple groups and their social media outlets began publishing a video of the martyr Haniyeh’s obituary in Al-Aqsa, and demanded ‘his expulsion and disposal,’ and they also called for attacking him in his home

Source: Maan News Agency

Mikati marking Army Day emphasizes Lebanon’s right to defense amid Israeli escalation

Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Friday underscored Lebanon’s right to defend its land, sovereignty, and dignity amid recent violent escalations by Israel. ‘In the face of the systematic and dangerous Israeli escalation, which has resulted in bloody events over the past few hours, we affirm our right to defend our land, sovereignty, and dignity by all available means, without hesitation, regardless of the sacrifices,’ Mikati stated.

He emphasized Lebanon’s commitment to peace, highlighting that the country seeks lasting stability through the recovery of its occupied southern territories and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by Israel.

Mikati made these remarks during his visit to the Army Command in Yarzeh, marking Army Day. The PM was received by Army Commander General, Joseph Aoun, who praised Mikati’s unwavering support for the military institution.

During his address, Mikati lamented the absence of the traditional August 1st celebration, noting the compounded chal
lenges of the presidential vacancy, ongoing security threats, and severe economic conditions. The Premiere also stressed the importance of electing a president to unify Lebanon and uphold its constitution and independence.

Mikati then reiterated Lebanon’s right to defend itself against Israeli aggressions, stating that the country had informed its allies of its stance as a peace-seeking nation. He also called for increased unity among Lebanese citizens and political leaders to overcome the nation’s current crises and ensure the stability and prosperity of Lebanon.

Mikati concluded by reaffirming the government’s commitment to ensuring the army’s rights and welfare, praising the army’s dedication to the nation’s security and sovereignty.

In turn, General Aoun expressed gratitude to Mikati for his support, acknowledging the Prime Minister’s vital role in maintaining the army’s strength and effectiveness.

“Your Excellency, I welcome you and thank you for your confidence and faith in this institution, which i
s the backbone of Lebanon and the guarantor of civil peace and stability,” Aoun stated. He assured that the army would remain steadfast for several reasons, chief among them being Mikati’s leadership as Prime Minister and his essential support for the military.

Aoun highlighted that since Mikati’s appointment as Prime Minister, he has consistently been the primary and crucial supporter of the army. “From the moment you were appointed as Prime Minister until now, you have been the foremost supporter of this institution. Every time we requested something for the army, you responded, ensuring that this institution remains resilient and continues to fulfill its duties,” Aoun said.

On behalf of every member and officer of the military, Aoun expressed heartfelt thanks to Mikati for his love, support, and confidence in the army. “Welcome to the institution of honor, sacrifice, and loyalty,” Aoun concluded.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

The occupation forces arrest three citizens from Nablus and confiscate a vehicle

Israeli occupation forces arrested three citizens at dawn on Friday and confiscated one of their vehicles in Nablus.

Security sources reported that a number of military jeeps stormed several neighborhoods east of the city, raided a number of homes, searched them, and wreaked havoc in them. They arrested Hamouda Al-Wazir from Jerusalem Street, Ahmed Hashash from the popular housing area, and Atallah Hashash from Iskanrojeeb, and confiscated his vehicle

Source: Maan News Agency

MEA flights for 4 & 5 August 2024 remain as scheduled except for some flights

Middle East Airlines – Air Liban announces that its flights for 4 and 5 August 2024, will remain as scheduled, except for some modified flights. The delay is due to technical reasons related to the distribution of insurance risks for aircraft between Lebanon and other destinations.

– Sunday 4 August 2024: The delayed incoming flights to Beirut are:


ME204 London Beirut 22:00 09:55 AM 5 AUGUST

ME435 Doha Beirut 02:50 AM 5 AUGUST 05:00 AM 5 AUGUST

ME443 Dammam Beirut 20:55 05:25 AM 5 AUGUST

ME431 Dubai Beirut 02:15 AM 5 AUGUST 06:10 AM 5 AUGUST

ME403 Kuwait Beirut 21:15 05:40 AM 5 AUGUST

ME369 Jeddah Beirut 21:15 05:45 AM 5 AUGUST

ME226 Copenhagen Beirut 22:30 03:30 AM 5 AUGUST

ME427 Dubai Beirut 12:45 13:55

ME266 Istanbul Beirut 11:20 12:15

ME405 Kuwait Beirut 11:55 12:55

*All flights are according to the local time of each city.

– Sunday 4 August 2024: The delayed outgoing flights from Beirut are:


ME225 Beirut Copenhagen 18:20 20:20

ME426 Beirut Dubai 07:30 08:40

ME265 Beirut Istanbul 08:25 09:20

ME404 Beirut Kuwait 08:40 09:40

– Monday 5 August 2024: The delayed incoming flights to Beirut are:


ME204 London Beirut 22:00 11:00 AM 6 AUGUST

ME431 Dubai Beirut 02:15 AM 6 AUGUST 06:10 AM 6 AUGUST

ME369 Jeddah Beirut 21:15 05:35 AM 6 AUGUST

ME403 Kuwait Beirut 21:15 06:20 AM 6 AUGUST

ME437 Doha Beirut 19:00 05:00 AM 6 AUGUST

ME305 Cairo Beirut 09:50 13:05

ME226 Copenhagen Beirut 11:25 13:25

*All flights are according to the local time of each city.

-Monday 5 August 2024: The delayed outgoing flights from Beirut are:


ME304 Beirut Cairo 07:30 10:45

ME225 Beirut Copenhagen 07:20 09:20

Passengers booked exclusively on the above flights are allowed to change their book
ing once free of charge.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon