NAUSS Opens Workshop in Athens on Document Security and Fraud Detection at Border Crossings

– Vice President of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS), Khalid bin Abdulaziz Alharfash, emphasized the increasing rates of cross-border crime in various forms, especially in light of the growing rates of irregular migration and migrant smuggling.

He highlighted that these issues pose significant contemporary challenges, exacerbated by natural disasters, humanitarian crises, wars, conflicts, and economic problems, which threaten the security and stability of nations. Moreover, the world is experiencing rapid economic and cultural movement, necessitating the daily movement of millions of people across various transportation means, thereby requiring enhanced security measures to address the associated threats.

Alharfash made these remarks during the opening of the regional workshop entitled “Document Security and Fraud Detection at Border Crossings,” organized by Naif Arab University for Security Sciences in Athens, Greece, from September 10 to 12, 2024, in cooperation with the International
Organization for Migration (IOM) and Metropolitan College. The workshop brought together 52 experts and specialists from Arab ministries of interior and related agencies.

He stated that the university, as part of its efforts to enhance border security and address related challenges of migration and asylum, recently established the “Arab Center for Technical Cooperation on Migration and Border Management” in cooperation with the IOM. This center aims to enhance the capacities of Arab countries in these areas and strengthen Arab international cooperation in border security.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Clashes between Pak-Afghan forces leave 16 Taliban dead

Pakistan Army gave a befitting reply to the unprovoked aggression from Afghan Taliban at the Pak-Afghan border since 7th of this month, killing 16 Afghan Taliban and injuring 27 others, said state media on Tuesday.

According to state owned Radio Pakistan, Afghan Taliban started unprovoked firing from the 7th of this month from the Palosin area adjacent to Pak-Afghan border in the North with heavy weapons and targeted Pakistani check posts.

It claimed that the clashes killed 16 Afghan Taliban and injured 27 others.

The unprovoked firing continued for two days while the Pakistan Army gave a befitting reply to the firing. It quoted security sources as saying that two tanks of the Afghan Taliban were also destroyed.

Due to the tense security situation, trade between the two countries remained suspended.

Earlier in May, the Foreign Office conveyed its concerns to Kabul after a large number of locals were displaced in the Kharlachi border crossing between the two countries and sought shelter in safer places i
n the wake of clashes between the two neighboring countries.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

Digital Cooperation Organization Unveils Generative AI Center of Excellence Led by Saudi Arabia

The Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) announced today at the Global AI Summit in Riyadh the launch of its Generative AI (GenAI) Center of Excellence (CoE) initiative, championed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The groundbreaking initiative is designed to transform the role of DCO member states to become key innovators in the global GenAI arena by fostering collaboration and promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.

The first-of-its-kind GenAI CoE will promote collaboration among governments, private sectors, and academia, ensuring all member states can participate in the GenAI revolution.

The center will transform member states into creators of GenAI solutions, building local capacity, and driving innovation.

The DCO is committed to advancing AI capabilities and fostering innovation across its member states, ensuring that all nations can fully harness the power of generative AI.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Foreign officials denounce continuing tragic situation in Gaza

Foreign officials denounced on Tuesday the continuing tragic conditions in the Gaza Strip, warning that practices of the Israeli occupation would eliminate any chance for peace in the region.

This came in speeches delivered by the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, the Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, and the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, before the 162nd session of Arab foreign ministers’ meeting held at the Cairo-based Arab League.

Borrell stressed that the Israeli occupation aims to transform the West Bank into a new Gaza by implementing a policy of displacing its residents, noting that the occupation government has made the internationally agreed-upon two-state solution “impossible.” He commended the Arab League for its achievements, most notably the Arab Peace Initiative, which established a consensual framework for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict and seeks to build a better future for the re

For his part, Fidan stressed that peace cannot be achieved without a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, and that oppression “must end.” He warned of the occupation’s attempts to change the identity of Jerusalem and the situation in Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially the entry of extremist settlers into the Holy Mosque, noting that the Islamic world is making every effort to protect the identity of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.

He stressed the importance of Turkish cooperation with the Arab world to confront the same challenges and goals, calling for coordination of work in various fields.

In turn, Kaag said that all humanitarian workers in Gaza bear witness to the inhumane conditions and indescribable suffering to which women, youth and children are exposed to.

She added that what is seen on television cannot be compared to the reality in Gaza, as matters are more “horrific and tragic.” The 162nd session of the Arab League Council at
the level of Arab foreign ministers began on Tuesday in Cairo, headed by Yemen and with the participation of Kuwait.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

CST Governor Highlights Saudi Role in Enhancing Space Economy at Space Sustainability Forum in Geneva

Governor of the Communications, Space, and Technology Commission (CST) Mohammed Saud Al-Tamimi participated in the opening of the inaugural Space Sustainability Forum, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva, Switzerland on September 10-11.

The Space Sustainability Forum 2024 aims to keep pace with the rapid developments in the space sector, bringing together leaders, experts, specialists, and stakeholders from regulatory bodies and agencies in the fields of space and satellites. It serves as a platform for discussions on policies, strategies, and solutions necessary for outer space sustainability.

During the forum, Al-Tamimi highlighted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s active role in partnering with ITU members to enhance the space economy and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). He also emphasized Saudi Arabia’s efforts to leverage its specialized human capabilities and experience in communications, space, and technology to implement initiatives that support sustaina
bility and empower the space sector.

Al-Tamimi further noted that the Kingdom aspires to open up future prospects through new space technologies to promote growth and sustainability for humanity. He also mentioned Saudi Arabia’s hosting of the inaugural Space Debris Conference in partnership with the ITU and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), which aims to raise global awareness of the challenges posed by space debris.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

PM: T2 is one of Kuwait’s mega projects

Kuwait International Airport new T2 passengers terminal is seen as one of the country’s mega developmental projects, said His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Tuesday.

His Highness’s aforementioned remark came during the Cabinet’s weekly meeting at the premise of the new project earlier today, as Minister of Information and Culture Abdurrahman Al-Mutairi said, according to a Diwan statement, that His Highness the Premier; after inspecting the terminal’s site, directed concerned government bodies to cooperate with the Ministry of Public Works in order to overcome all obstacles that might face execution of the project, as well as stressing the significance of speeding up work pace to meet the operation deadline.

In this vein, Minister of Public Works Dr. Nora Al-Mashaan displayed a visual presentation on latest developments in the project, pointing out the T2 is considered a modern and state-of-the-art “smart” project that would contribute to the civil aviation sector; o
ne of the government’s top priorities. Kuwait’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) chief Sheikh Humoud Mubarak Al-Humoud Al-Jaber Al-Sabah also showed a visual presentation on the project. His Highness the Prime Minister commended the “team spirit” of all who are involved in the “qualitative leap” that is the project, said Al-Mutairi, who is also Minister of State for Youth Affairs.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

Saudi Arabia Is Global Hub for Innovative Governance, AI Ethics, Thanks to HRH the Crown Prince’s Support, Minister Says

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Eng. Abdullah bin Amer Al- Swaha has emphasized that Saudi Arabia, with the support and empowerment of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, is a nurturing platform for innovators, reinforcing the approach of innovative governance and AI ethics, with the aim of serving humanity and ensuring the ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).

During Eng. Al- Swaha’s participation in a dialogue session titled “Empowering Societies with AI Technologies” within the activities of the third annual Global AI Summit (GAIN Summit), organized by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), he pointed out the necessity of unifying global efforts to transition to the “productivity” stage through generative AI. This is the goal that Saudi Arabia seeks to achieve in cooperation with local and international innovators and international organizations, in order to achieve real b
enefits from these technologies for the good of humanity and shape new horizons.

Eng. Al- Swaha stated that Saudi Arabia possesses a rich Arab and Islamic heritage, being the heart of the Islamic and Arab world, and that this heritage has qualified it to contribute to data by launching the largest accurate Arabic language model (LLM), led by SDAIA.

He stressed that Saudi Arabia is the ideal partner for investors and innovators seeking to transform these technologies into productive tools that serve humanity and the planet and achieve prosperity. He said that Saudi Arabia, through its international partnerships, has become a reliable partner in developing policies and innovative regulations, citing the experience of launching several policies, frameworks, and centers with United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and others to enhance ethical and regulatory frameworks in the field of AI.

Concluding his speech, Eng. Al-
Swaha addressed a message to the youth and leaders of the future, praising the role of Saudi women in the technology and AI sector, where Saudi Arabia ranks first globally in empowering women in this field with a rate of 35%. He called on everyone to continue innovating and competing in the era of AI, stressing that those who lead AI technologies will achieve global excellence and leadership.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Oil Ministry: Offshore drilling project in line with Kuwait’s production plan

The Ministry of Oil said Tuesday that the offshore drilling project supports the country’s oil plans that aim to increase production to four million bpd.

This came in remarks by Director of Public Relations and Information at the Ministry, Sheikha Tamadhur Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, during a discussion panel organized by the ministry titled (Offshore Drilling Project), in which senior geophysicists and geologists at Kuwait Oil Company, Maitham Ibrahim and Iman Al-Shihri, participated.

Sheikha Tamadhur Al-Sabah said that the discovery of ‘An Nokhitha’ field in Kuwaiti territorial waters is the beginning of a new era for exploring marine resources, as it represents a milestone that paves the way for making Kuwait a pioneer in offshore production from territorial waters.

For their part, Ibrahim and Al-Shihri reviewed the history of marine exploration in Kuwait, as the first exploratory seismic survey was carried out in 1961 by Shell Company, and in 1962 the first two marine exploratory wells were dri
lled by the same company.

They discussed the Kuwaiti marine area, estimated at about 6,000 square kilometers, where seven exploratory wells were drilled to explore the Cretaceous layers, “and four wells gave good results, while (Well HA-0001) gave expectations of the presence of hydrocarbon materials in a gas layer.

They also mentioned that the Kuwait Oil Company is currently preparing for a high-resolution three-dimensional seismic survey covering the entire marine area, in addition to studying the best options for early production from the discovered wells.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

Ministry of Environment Oversees Signing of 48 Agreements to Establish Fish Farming and Offers Investment Opportunities

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture oversaw the signing of 48 agreements to set up fish farming in inland waters as part of a broader effort to advance the aquaculture sector in the Kingdom. The agreements were signed between a range of companies and investment entities and aim to apply and localize best practices in the field.

The agreements were announced during a workshop titled “Aquaculture in Inland Waters in the Kingdom” organized today by the National Program for the Development of the Livestock and Fisheries Sector.

The workshop took place in Riyadh. The Assistant Undersecretary for Animal and Fisheries Wealth, Dr. Ali bin Mohammed Al-Shaikhi, was present, along with representatives from relevant government agencies, private sector investors, and professionals in the field.

The initiative reflects the ministry’s goal of supporting qualitative investment opportunities, encouraging sustainable practices in aquaculture, and leveraging the Kingdom’s competitive advantages in various
regions. Additionally, the ministry provided four key investment opportunities aimed at further developing this sector.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Third Global AI Summit launches in Saudi Arabia

The third edition of the Global AI Summit (GAIN Summit), organized by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), was inaugurated on Tuesday in Riyadh, featuring 450 speakers and attendees from 100 countries, including prominent figures in the field of AI, policymakers, and thought leaders.

In his opening speech, SDAIA President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi expressed gratitude to the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, for his patronage and emphasized the summit’s role in furthering the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, reported local news agency (SPA).

Al-Ghamdi highlighted the Saudi Arabia’s leadership in AI innovation and SDAIA’s commitment to its role in propelling the nation’s economic growth through data and AI.

He underlined the summit’s aim to push the AI boundaries for the benefit of humanity while acknowledging the ethical challenges posed by the rise of generative AI, including forgery, and the need to address information generated using AI.

He also highlighted the global
competition for AI talent and the need to overcome the challenges inherent in attracting talent in order to ensure balanced digital, economic, and social development.

Al-Ghamdi presented the authority’s achievements in the field of data and AI since its establishment in 2019, including holding the first edition of the Global AI Summit, where discussions led to the establishment of a UN-affiliated advisory body for AI.

He also highlighted the authority’s role in fostering global collaboration in AI governance through hosting a major consultation for the UN, in which over 50 countries participated.

Al-Ghamdi lauded UNESCO’s efforts in promoting AI ethics, including the establishment of the International Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Ethics (ICAIRE), in Riyadh, which is recognized by the organization as an international center.

He further outlined key SDAIA initiatives, including the ALLaM model, a pioneering Arabic language model developed in Saudi Arabia, and the “SauTech” innovation, a h
ighly accurate Arabic speech-to-text tool covering 15 Arabic dialects.

This technology is being utilized by the Ministry of Justice to transcribe court sessions, placing it at the forefront of AI-driven judicial system, he explained.

Al-Ghamdi emphasized SDAIA’s ongoing work with government agencies to leverage AI in the healthcare sector, highlighting the “EYENAI” solution, which has contributed to the early diagnosis of 846 potential patients in the past year.

Moreover, the authority organized the largest national programming and AI Olympiad, in which more than 570,000 Saudi students participated, adding that Saudi is also hosting the first International AI Olympiad, with 25 countries competing in Riyadh.

SDAIA, he said, has also made strides on a global scale with its effort to promote gender equality worldwide, particularly through the Elevate Initiative, which was launched during the second edition of the Global AI Summit, and through which the skills of women from 28 countries have been honed.

hamdi stressed that AI is not a tool that replaces human capabilities, but a powerful enabler in expanding them.

He called for a human-centered AI, where technology promotes creativity and human compassion instead of replacing them, urging participants to join the summit discussions to bridge gaps, improve the quality of life, and create a future in which technology and humanity are in harmony.

On his part, Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Al-Swaha presented the investment theory in AI in the first session of summit, titled “Empowering Society through AI Driven Technology”.

He touched on three main challenges in AI: devices and energy efficiency, storage and memory, and models, where there might be confusion regarding accurate and false information.

The opening ceremony included visual presentations of the scope of AI, its relationship with humans, and the development of related technologies.

Source: Kuwait News Agency