Hebron Governor praises the performance of the governorate’s police

Hebron-Ma’an- Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin visited the Hebron Police Directorate and met with the Director General of the Police, Brigadier General Nasser Abu Hanani. He was accompanied by the governorate staff, in the presence of directors of a number of departments in the police. Dudin praised the performance of the department and its role in these difficult circumstances.

Governor Dudin congratulated Brigadier General Abu Hanani on his appointment as the governorate’s police director, and expressed his pride and appreciation for the officers and non-commissioned officers of the security institution, especially the policemen, stressing his support and backing for all activities carried out by the apparatus to enhance the rule of law and control the security situation.

For his part, Brigadier General Abu Hanani conveyed the greetings of the Director General of Police, Major General Allam Al-Saqa, to the Governor, stressing the police’s keenness to perform its national and humanitarian duty towards our peop
le, and praised the joint cooperation between the components of the security institution in performing its duties towards citizens and enhancing security and public order.

Governor Dudin and Brigadier General Abu Hanani also discussed a number of files related to controlling the security situation and police work, especially the traffic situation and organizing markets.

Source: Maan News Agency

The Red Crescent Society condemns the occupation’s attacks on its crews and ambulance centers

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Palestinian Red Crescent Society condemned, on Tuesday, the attacks of the Israeli occupation forces on its crews, especially in Tulkarm Governorate.

The association said in a statement that the occupation forces targeted one of its paramedics with live bullets while he was treating an injured person in Tulkarm camp, and detained two paramedics from inside the Tulkarm ambulance center after storming the center and besieging it. It detained the ambulance crews inside the center and prevented them from providing emergency services.

The association warned of the danger of the escalation of the occupation’s attacks on its crews working in the West Bank, and the repeated prevention of ambulances from reaching the wounded and sick to provide them with emergency care during the storming of the cities and camps of the West Bank.

She pointed out that she had documented more than 750 violations against her medical missions, patients and the injured in the association’s vehicles in the West Ban
k, since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Source: Maan News Agency

KSrelief Assistant Supervisor Meets Gavi Vaccine Alliance Chief

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Assistant Supervisor for Operations and Programs Ahmed bin Ali Al-Baiz met today at the center’s headquarters in Riyadh with Gavi Vaccine Alliance chief executive Sania Nishtar.

The two officials discussed topics of mutual interest related to humanitarian and relief affairs, ways to provide essential vaccines to countries assessed in need, and aspects of cooperation in vaccine manufacturing, cold chains, and combating the spread of diseases and epidemics.

Nishtar hailed the Kingdom’s remarkable efforts provided through KSrelief to help affected people globally and its legacy humanitarian work.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Minister of Agriculture meets with the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Arab and Islamic Funds

Ramallah Ma’an – Within the framework of the Ministry of Agriculture’s efforts to enhance farmers’ resilience and implement agricultural initiatives, especially the water security initiative, His Excellency Professor Rizk Salimiya met with His Excellency Dr. Nasser Qatami to discuss existing and future projects, as well as the mechanisms available to mobilize more financial support. The efforts culminated in the launch of a number of projects that will increase the availability of annual agricultural water for the benefit of expanding the agricultural area and shifting from canned agriculture to irrigated agriculture, as well as contributing to achieving water security through water harvesting projects and improving the management of groundwater wells and agricultural ponds.

Source: Maan News Agency

Syrian-Tunisian talks to boost bilateral relations

Tunis, SANA-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad, Mohamed Ali Al- Nafti, discussed with Syrian ambassador to Tunisia, Muhammed Muhammad, Ways to enhance mutual cooperation between the two countries and brotherly peoples.

Al- Nafti stressed during the meeting the depth of fraternal relations between Tunisia and Syria.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Mohammed handed Al- Nafti a congratulatory message from caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Fayssal Mikdad, on the occasion of the Tunisian Minister assuming his new duties, wishing him success in them.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Cabinet expands work of emergency reconstruction committee

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Council of Ministers condemned, during its weekly session today, Tuesday, the continuation of the war of extermination against our people, the latest of which was the Al-Mawasi massacre in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of martyrs, injuries and missing persons as a result of the occupation’s bombing of the tents of the displaced in the area.

The Council of Ministers also discussed the outcomes of the meeting of the Government Emergency Committee, which was held yesterday under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, to follow up on the progress of the technical teams in dealing with the effects of the occupation’s aggression on the governorates of the northern West Bank, and to provide the necessary needs for the emergency response to enhance the steadfastness of our people, specifically removing rubble and rehabilitating infrastructure, including roads, and repairing water, sewage and electricity networks.

The Cabinet approved that, in order to achieve greater
effectiveness in government interventions, specifically the speed of assessing damage to buildings, facilities and citizens’ properties, the work of the Emergency Action Committee in the targeted areas will be expanded to enhance its capabilities to implement emergency field interventions, in addition to preparing detailed plans to address the effects of the aggression. It also approved direct purchase requests for a number of emergency needs to address the effects of the occupation’s aggression on the northern West Bank governorates, especially electricity transformers.

In a related matter, the Cabinet discussed the occupation’s Judaization plans in the Wadi al-Joz area of ??occupied Jerusalem, especially the occupation’s efforts to establish a technology park, in addition to its escalating measures in demolishing shops and commercial establishments and emptying them in the industrial zone. The Cabinet also reviewed the Palestinian efforts and legal follow-ups to defend the rights and properties of our peop
le in the capital, Jerusalem.

The Council discussed the strategic framework for the pillars of “Reconstructing Palestine” immediately after stopping the aggression against our people, which consists of four main axes: unifying the two parts of the homeland, institutional reform and development, supporting recovery and reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip, and finally the comprehensive economic development program.

The Council of Ministers also approved next Sunday, September 15, 2024, as an official holiday on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet.

Source: Maan News Agency

Mikdad meets Aboul Gheit, Al-Marar on the sidelines of Arab League’s Council works

Cairo, SANA- Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister in the caretaker government, Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, met on Tuesday Secretary-General of League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit and UAE Minister of State, Khalifa Shaheen al-Marar.

The meeting came during participation of Mikdad in the opening of 162nd session of League of Arab States Council at the ministerial level.

Mikdad reviewed with Abu al-Gheit the topics listed on the agenda meeting, which focus on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and the war crimes and genocide committed against the people there, in addition to the situation in Arab region as a whole and the challenges facing a number of countries.

Minister Mikdad stressed Syria’s keenness to develop the Arab League work, which is based on consensus among member states of the League.

The two sides underlined the importance of enhancing joint Arab action in order to confront the difficult situation and address the problems and challenges facing the Arab world.

In this context, Minister Mikdad discussed with UAE Minister of State, Khalifa Shaheen al-Marar, means of boosting cooperation between the two brotherly countries in several fields, in addition to the topics listed on the agenda of the ministerial meeting.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Press conference for the International Academy: “Save Palestinian schools from genocide”

Ramallah – Ma’an – A press conference was held at the headquarters of the International Academic Campaign Against the Israeli Occupation and Apartheid, on the occasion of the International Day to Protect Education from Attack, which falls on September 9.

This came with the participation of the Global Campaign for Education, the Educational Coalition, the Palestinian Teachers Union, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, in addition to the International Academic Campaign.

Dr. Rafat Al-Sabah spoke about the occupation’s crimes against life and education in Palestine and discussed the nature of the attacks by the occupation, as Palestine has become the first country in the world to be subjected to attacks by the occupation, including killing, destruction and sabotage, which has led to the loss of an entire academic year for students in the Gaza Strip, pointing to the occupation’s practices of preventing the arrival of basic educational supplies for education.

He pointed out that there have been commu
nity and institutional efforts made since last May to provide temporary educational spaces, and he touched upon the fact that children’s right to education is an internationally recognized right, and despite this, the occupation continues its policy of systematic destruction of educational facilities, while the genocide continues in Gaza, in addition to using schools as shelters.

For his part, Dr. Ramzi Odeh, Secretary General of the Academic Campaign, spoke about the educational genocide that led to the destruction of universities in the Gaza Strip and the martyrdom of more than 117 lecturers and university professors, in addition to depriving students of their right to school and university education. Dr. Odeh reviewed the crimes of the occupation against teachers, students and educational institutions, in terms of the death of nearly 13,500 students due to the crimes of the occupation and the injury of nearly 15,000 other students, and that nearly 90% of schools in the Gaza Strip have been targeted and co
mpletely or partially destroyed. The Secretary General of the International Academy called for an immediate ceasefire and immediate measures to protect schools and the need to provide urgent support and assistance to save education in Palestine. He called on the member states of the United Nations General Assembly to quickly sign the “Safe Schools Declaration”, which calls for the implementation of the guidelines for protecting schools and universities from military use during armed conflict.

For his part, Mr. Saed Rzeikat, head of the Palestinian Teachers Union, spoke about the importance of solidarity of teachers’ unions around the world with Palestinian teachers and students who are being targeted by the occupation forces. He pointed out the importance of holding the occupation accountable for the crimes it is committing against educational and academic life in Palestine and its systematic policy of educational genocide. He stressed the importance of the right to life for the Palestinian person as a basis
for achieving the right to education.

For her part, Dr. Suhair Al-Qassem, representing the Minister of Education and Higher Education, discussed the ministry’s efforts to launch the new academic year and attempt to rescue the situation in an emergency manner in places of displacement and sheltering citizens in schools and tents in the Gaza Strip and resorting to unlimited education for students abroad, especially in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and developing appropriate mechanisms for the continuity of education and rescuing the situation in the Gaza Strip. She called for quickly enabling students in the Gaza Strip to attend their schools and for international action to protect the right to education and stop attacks on schools in the West Bank and targeting schools in Jerusalem. She stressed the importance of having a clear position from UNESCO and the International Committee of the Red Cross regarding the crimes and horrific violations witnessed in Palestine against the educational and academic process.

t is noteworthy that an infographic was presented about the reality of education in Palestine. The conference was moderated by researcher Hassan Abd Rabbo, who invited the attendees to pray for the souls of the martyrs and praised the international student solidarity with the Palestinian people and the importance of stopping the aggression and rebuilding what the occupation destroyed, considering that the Palestinian person is the supreme value that must be protected.

On May 29, 2020, by General Assembly resolution 74/275, a resolution was unanimously adopted to protect education from armed attacks, and to designate September 9 of each year as the day. The General Assembly called on UNESCO and UNICEF to raise awareness about the plight of millions of children living in conflict-affected countries. The General Assembly resolution affirms that governments bear the primary responsibility to provide protection and ensure equitable and inclusive quality education for all learners at all levels, especially those i
n critical circumstances. The resolution also stresses the need to intensify efforts in this regard and increase funding allocated to promote safe and fortified school environments in humanitarian emergencies, by taking all possible measures to protect schools, learners and educational personnel from attacks, refraining from actions that hinder children’s safe access to education, and facilitating access to education in situations of armed conflict.

Source: Maan News Agency

Activities of 1st international conference ‘Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education and Community Service’ kicks off

Damascus, SANA-The activities of the 1st international conference ‘Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education and Community Service’ kicked off on Tuesday at the Auditorium of Damascus University .

SANA reporter noted that the conference is organized by the Universities of Damascus and Ajloun National University in cooperation with the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation at the Association of Arab Universities.

Over three days, participants will discuss a number of research papers and studies that include artificial intelligence strategies in enhancing digital financial inclusion, activating its mechanisms in the automotive industry, its risks, its need for legal regulation, its use in military wars, and its impact on international security, in addition to the reality of the ethics of artificial intelligence and its use in information security and in the field of dental replacement and radiological diagnosis of the face and jaws using digital imaging, and the criminal liability of artificial intelligence and its role in developing architectural design education and enhancing intellectual fluency.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Prisoners in Gilboa Prison are living under difficult detention conditions

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission reported on Tuesday morning that the prisoners in Gilboa prison are living in extremely difficult conditions, due to the Israeli policies and the complete changes that occurred after October 7, which turned Israeli prisons and detention centers into what resemble real graves, where torture and beatings are practiced in the most horrific forms, resulting in the martyrdom of dozens of prisoners from various Palestinian governorates and the occupied interior.

The legal unit of the commission, after it was able to visit prisoner Nasser Al-Shawish, who was sentenced to life imprisonment four times, conveyed the details of the prison situation, where he said, ‘All our personal and public property was confiscated, and they did not care about the sick or the elderly among us. They turned the rooms of the departments into cells, and we were forbidden from going out and smoking, and we were isolated from the outside world. We do not have clothes or b
lankets. We are being deprived of a razor, nail clippers, and cleaning materials, and penalties and fines are imposed on us.’

He added that the suffering of sick prisoners in prison is getting worse, as there is no health care, and the sick cases are not treated seriously. What is provided to them is some routine painkillers, which have no purpose other than creating the appropriate environment for these diseases to grow and spread, and increase the aches and pains, which have become a constant companion for prisoners around the clock.

The Commission warned against the continuation of this hatred of the Israeli occupation state against our male and female prisoners, adding that what is happening in Gilboa Prison is happening in all prisons and detention centers.

Source: Maan News Agency

A number of Palestinians were injured and arrested in West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-A number of Palestinians were injured and other were arrested on Tuesday as a result of the attacks of the Israeli occupation forces on various areas in the West Bank.

Wafa Agency reported that the occupation forces stationed at Hamra checkpoint in the northern Jordan Valley fired tear gas bombs at the Palestinians while they were waiting at the checkpoint, which led to a number of them suffering from suffocation.

The occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in the city of Hebron and the towns of Dura and Beit Kahil in its northwest, Beit Rima in Ramallah, and Rummana in Jenin, and the Deheishe refugee camp in Bethlehem, and arrested 9 Palestinians, including a child.

The occupation forces set up a military checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Al-Funduq in Qalqilya, and detained and searched Palestinian vehicles.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency