New York, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusay Al-Dahhak, reaffirmed Syria’s stance in rejection of the unilateral measures taken by the Israeli entity to undermine UNRWA and ban its work inside the Palestinian territories, indicating that the attack on international forces and UN organizations in Lebanon and Gaza is an extension of decades of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.
‘In this context, Syria renews its categorical condemnation of the unprecedented hostile campaign launched by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and affirms its solidarity with him in confronting it, and appreciates the efforts he is making in accordance with his mandate,’ Al-Dahhak said at a Security Council session on the Palestinian issue.
Syria affirms its full solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian and Lebanese peoples in the face of the Israeli aggression and the barbaric crimes committed by the occupation
authorities, tt also condemns the Israeli aggression on Iran, and affirms its right to defend itself, protect its people, and preserve its sovereignty, al-Dahhak said.
He added that the Syrian Arab Republic once again calls on the Security Council to take immediate action to stop the Israeli aggression that threatens regional and international peace and security, and to oblige the occupying authorities to stop the crimes of genocide and war crimes they are committing, and to ensure accountability for them and that their perpetrators do not escape punishment.
‘Syria stresses the necessity of implementing the relevant United Nations resolutions to end the Israeli occupation of Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, and affirms that the crimes of the Israeli occupation entity will not deter our peoples from continuing their struggle to obtain their legitimate rights and liberate their usurped lands,’ al-Dahhak concluded.
Source: Syrian Arab News Agency