AWD/Cholera response Health Sector (with integrated WASH and RCCE) – 5 October 2022

Established Information Sharing Mechanisms:


  • Daily contacts are maintained with the MoH and DoHs on operational and technical issues of the response.


  • Health sector situation updates are produced and shared twice a week.


  • WHO Syria AWD/cholera situation report produced weekly and 2 EPI Bulletins (internal) twice a week.


  • WoS AWD/cholera situation report produced weekly.


  • WHO Syria works with other hubs and EMRO team on consolidation, updating and streamlining data/mapping on all registered/reported cases at a community/sub-district/district/governorate levels. Information was shared broadly to all partners and hubs. Essential for WASH response.


  • Health sector disseminated broadly the MoH approved specific cholera prevention and response communication materials.



Source: World Health Organization