Cabinet: After 7 years war on terror, New Republic breathes life into Sinai, Suez Canal governorates

The Cabinet Media Center said the State has placed Sinai Peninsula on a map envisaging overarching development and investment as a part of an unprecedented ambitious plan to rehabilitate the Ard el Fayrouz (the land of turquoise), render it a luring area for investors and inhabitants and link it to the Delta and all Egyptian governorates.

According to an infographic report issued by the Cabinet Sunday featuring the New Republic’s efforts to develop Sinai and the Suez Canal governorates through embarking upon the implementation of giant national and development ventures that sought to change the present and forge the future following a seven-year battle against terror, great progress was achieved on the ground.

“Thanks to the presence of a strong political will, Sinai saw outstanding development efforts over the past seven years,” the report said.

The State has put development of the Suez Canal governorates on top of its priorities; being a linking point between Sinai and the rest of governorates, it added.

The report further pointed out to the establishment of mega ventures in Sinai including the investment, tourism, industry, agriculture, mineral, road construction, bridges, tunnels and urban communities spheres.

Source: State Information Service Egypt