Khan Yunis Massacre is War Crime Committed by Israeli Occupation Forces Against Palestinian People, Albudaiwi Says

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi expressed his strong condemnation and denouncement of the brutal massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against innocent Palestinian refugees in the Khan Yunis area, south of the Gaza Strip, GCC said in a news release.

Moreover, Albudaiwi stressed that these continuous and brutal attacks perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces against unarmed civilians in Gaza and the rest of the Palestinian territories can only be described as deliberate war crimes, revealing a blatant and systematic criminal approach that reflects an utter disregard for international and humanitarian laws and treaties. He added that these acts also constitute a blatant contempt for all legal, ethical, and humanitarian values.

Furthermore, Albudaiwi called on the international community to take immediate and urgent action to put an end to these heinous crimes, take decisive measures to cease fire immediately, subject the Israeli occupation
forces to accountability for their crimes against humanity, and hold the Israeli government responsible for its racist and barbaric policies against the defenseless Palestinians.

Source: Saudi Press Agency