Mid-Term Outcome Monitoring for Multipurpose Cash Assistance for Syrian refugees in Lebanon (September 2022)


This report presents the midterm outcome Monitoring results for the UNHCR multi-purpose cash assistance program (MCAP) targeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

The MCAP assistance cycle started in November 2021, and MCAP beneficiaries received 800,000 LBP for nonfood needs, which was increased in April 2022 to 1,000,000 LBP. In May 2022, about 139,000 households received MCAP assistance, of which 56% were topped up with cash for food (CFF) from WFP, 3% were topped up with food assistance through e-cards, and 41% received the MCAP only amount. The outcome monitoring (OM) results address only the MCAP+CFF assisted group and the MCAP only assisted group.

Currently, the MCAP package consists of 1,000,000 LBP, which, although unconditional and unrestricted, is aiming to support refugees meeting their nonfood needs, while the cash for food (CFF) package consists of 500,000 LBP/ person for a maximum of 6 persons per household.

As part of a global basic needs approach, UNHCR MCAP helps families meet their basic needs with safety and dignity through the provision of monthly unconditional cash transfers. Assisted families have access to cash assistance through an ATM card and PIN number that can be used at ATMs across the country.

III. Methodology

This outcome monitoring is the midterm exercise for the 2021/2022 assistance cycle (OM1). A simple random sample of households receiving multi-purpose cash assistance was selected based on 95% confidence interval and 5 % error. The number of respondent households was 429 households, including 73.9% MCAP + CFF beneficiaries and 26.1% MCAP only beneficiaries. A random sample of non-assisted households (not receiving MCAP from UNHCR, nor MPC, CFF or food e-card from WFP) was also selected as a comparison group to compare the main outcome indicators. The number of non-assisted respondent households was 242 which were not receiving any type of cash assistance from UNHCR and WFP. The non-assisted group are likely to be less vulnerable than the assisted group as they were not selected for assistance through the proxy mean testing method. Data was collected through household telephone surveys from May 30th until June 12th, 2022.

A simple random sample was selected from the list of beneficiaries who received multi-purpose cash assistance from UNHCR and Cash for Food from WFP for the period starting from November 2021 until May 2022 and from the nonbeneficiaries of cash programs delivered by UNHCR and WFP for the same time period. Data collection was conducted through trained partner staff by phone. Throughout the report, differences in outcomes between assisted and non-assisted groups will be highlighted. Additionally, findings of OM for the assisted group are compared to the baseline survey conducted in December 2021.

The baseline data collection was administered by phone and collected from 1 till 11 December 2021 and included 408 households of those who were selected for receiving assistance in the new assistance cycle (2021-2022). The baseline sample consisted of 69% continuing beneficiaries and 31% newly included beneficiaries (not assisted with cash in 2021 cycle). The continuing beneficiaries received different types of cash packages such as MCAP + CFF, MCAP Only, MPC, and Food e-card. The baseline was done only for the assisted households’ group, including both MCAP+CFF (65%) and MCAP only beneficiaries (35%).

It is important to note that when comparing the results of the outcome monitoring to the baseline, the majority of households in the previous cycle were assisted. While outcomes can show a deterioration in certain outcomes that means assistance is preventing further deterioration of socio-economic conditions.

No baseline for the non-assisted group was done. The Selection criteria for the outcome sample was: The Selection criteria for the PDOM sample was:

MCAP Only: Received MCAP Only (November 2021 -> May 2022)

MCAP +CFF: Received MCAP+CFF (November 2021 -> May 2022)

Non-assisted: Did not receive any type of multipurpose cash assistance or food assistance neither from UNHCR nor from WFP (November 2021 -> May 2022).

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees