MoFA participates in GRM at Cambridge University

London, Ambassador Nancy Abdullah Jamal, the Chief of the Strategic Affairs Sector at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participated in a panel discussion as part of the 14th Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM).

The meeting is organised by the Gulf Research Centre at the University of Cambridge from July 9-11.

The meeting brought together nearly 400 politicians, researchers, and historians from 83 countries to discuss key regional and international issues and changes, especially in the Gulf region.

The ambassador presented a presentation on the efforts of regional countries in the international counter-terrorism system since the launch of the Arab counter-terrorism strategy in 1997 and its updated version in 2015, through many agreements and working groups and permanent committees that were established through the platforms of the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to address various crises and threats, down to the issuance of the Gulf vision for regional security in March.

The Chief of Stra
tegic Affairs outlined the regional system for combating terrorism and preventing extremism and the mechanisms of cooperation between the State and Government bodies, which aim to ensure the security and safety of the people of the Middle East from the threats posed by the spread of extremist ideologies.

She said that GCC countries were among the first countries to become aware of the danger of intellectual extremism and launched the security strategy to combat extremism associated with terrorism for the GCC states in 2002, and the GCC Agreement to Combat Terrorism in 2004.

Ambassador Nancy Abdulla Jamal emphasised that the GCC governments are committed to a clear approach to establishing international peace and security and resolving conflicts.

She added that this approach by the GCC governments is grounded in Arab values that call for tolerance, coexistence, and moderation

GRM has been organised annually since 2010 by the Gulf Research Centre at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and is consider
ed a key international research platform for Gulf studies and policies.

Source: Bahrain News Agency