Sisi inspects some armored vehicles developed by Armed Forces

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi inspected on Monday a number of armored vehicles that have been developed by the Armed Forces.

The president was accompanied by director of the Armed Forces vehicles department Kamel Wafa’ee, and assistant director of the vehicles department for armament Mohamed Abdel Fattah, Presidential Spokesman Bassam Radi said.

President Sisi inspected different models of armored vehicles that have been developed at factories of the Armed Forces in accordance with the state-of-the-art design and

manufacturing systems.

Capabilities of those vehicles have been maximized in terms of versatility, whether for the Armed Forces or the police, as well as their ability to maneuver, the spokesman said.

Sisi was briefed in detail about stages of design and manufacturing, which showed how much this industry is developing in line with the latest methodology used worldwide.

This comes in preparation for putting those vehicles on display at the second edition of Egypt’s Defense Expo (EDEX 2021), added the spokesman.

The president was also informed about the measures taken and the time plan set for introducing the electric car industry into Egypt; with a view to keeping pace with the global development in this field.

Source: State Information Service Egypt