• Since the reporting of the first case of COVID-19 on 22 March 2020 and as of 14 May 2022, A total of 55,869 confirmed cases, including 3,150 associated death cases (CFR 5.6%), were reported in Syria.”
• Out of 55,869 COVID-19 confirmed cases 93.9% of cases (n=52,479) reported recovered, 0.4% (n= 0,240) reported as still active cases, and 5.6% of cases (n=3,150) reported as deceased cases. “
• In the week 19, there is a decrease in the confirmed cases by 29% (n=22) compared with the previous week (n=31).
Moreover, no COVID-19 related deaths reports for the last couple of weeks.
• COVID-19 cases in week 19 distributed by governorate: Damascus 16.67% (n= 5), Tartous 16.67% (n= 5), Aleppo 16.67% (n= 5), Homs 13.33% (n= 4), Lattakia 13.33% (n= 4), Hama 10% (n= 3), Al-Hasakeh 6.67% (n= 2), Dar’a 3.33% (n= 1), AsSweida 3.33% (n= 1).
• The weekly positivity rate decreased in this week to (6.1%) compared with last week positivity rate (23.8%). This high positivity rate in last week was attributed to the drop in Ag-RDTs and PCR tests due to Eid holiday.
• 10 COVID-19 labs reported 363 (266 PCR and 97 Ag-RDT) new lab tests done in week 19, compared to previous week there was a 180% increase in overall national testing. The number of weekly tests is far below WHO recommendation to maintain a lab testing capacity above 2800 persons tested per day at all administrative levels.
Source: World Health Organization