Two civilians, were killed by the explosion of a motorbike we believe was wired with an IED in eastern Aleppo on Sep 9

Two civilians, a child, Abdul Rahim Ahmad al Housh (age 13) and Bassam Hussein al Jasem both from Ber Kosa village in the suburbs of Aleppo governorate were killed on September 9, 2022, after a motorbike they were riding exploded on the way from Ber Kosa village south of Jarablus city in Aleppo governorate eastern suburbs. The city is under Syrian National Army control.

SNHR has been unable to determine the cause of the explosion but believes it was an IED planted in the bike.

SNHR is still trying to reach out to eyewitnesses for more details on the incident.

SNHR condemns all explosions that target civilians and calls on the controlling forces to assume their responsibility for protecting civilians in areas under their control, and to launch an investigation into this incident and reveal its conclusions to the public.

There will be no stability in Syria without a genuine political process moving towards democracy, implemented according to a set timetable.

Source: Syrian Network